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Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to accept nearly 70,000 passengers during Dragon Boat Holiday

发表时间:2023-06-22 00:39:42 来源:羊城派


With the Dragon Boat Festival holiday approaching, the flow of passengers entering and exiting the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport is expected to surge. On June 17th, the airport witnessed a daily influx and outflow of over 27,000 passengers.

The border control station at Baiyun anticipates a total of nearly 70,000 passengers entering and exiting the border between June 22th and June 24th, with an estimated 600 flights scheduled for the same period.

Based on historical passenger flow during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the Baiyun border control station predicts that June 21th and 22th will experience a peak in outbound passenger traffic, while June 23th and 24th will see a peak in inbound passenger traffic. The average daily influx and outflux of passengers is expected to reach 23,000, representing a 3% increase compared to previous years, with a ratio of about 2.5:1 between Chinese and foreign travelers. During individual peak periods, which last for about 1 to 2 hours, passenger flow is projected to reach 1,000 to 1,200 passengers per hour.

The border control station at Baiyun reminds all inbound and outbound travelers to take note of the validity of their cross-border travel documents and visas (endorsements) for themselves and their companions, especially considering the frequent thunderstorms expected on the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival. Sufficient time should be allocated for travel arrangements, and if the documents have expired, they should be promptly renewed. Additionally, passengers are advised to closely monitor changes in port traffic and clearance conditions, and to avoid traveling during peak periods whenever possible. In case of any difficulties during the clearance process, individuals can contact the National Immigration Administration"s 12367 service hotline or seek assistance from the on-site immigration police officers.






文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 鄢敏通讯员 周笑臣、淳毅图|通讯员 黎锋俊翻译|刘佳慧来源|羊城晚报·羊城派责编|王瑜瑛


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